Reliable dental waterline cleaners can ensure that your system works smoothly, allows for the water pressure to be maintained and adds to the life of the equipment. We at Cargus International bring to you a water line cleaning system that does all of this. The dentist water cleaning system tablets that we offer are very easy to use. Simply add the dental waterline cleaner to the water bottle and the product will work silently, without any additional efforts on your part. Save yourself the headache of cleaning the machine repeatedly by simply using our water cleaners and enjoy your new, clean water.
NEW From MARK3BIOFLOW Water Line Cleaning Tablets from MARK3 are a safe and effective way to keep your waterlines clean and fresh. BIOFLOW is an odorless and tasteless cleaner formulated with natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. Safe for all self-contained water systems.
Contains: 60 Tablets
Directions For Use: Add MARK3 BIOFLOW each time you refill your self-contained water bottle
0.7 to 1 Liter System - Use 1 tablet
2 Liter System - Use 2 tablets